Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

The Path of Love for Allah...Jalaluddin Rumi

Assalamualaikum wbt

SubhanAllah, alhamdulillah wa Allahuakhbar!!

Masa sedang asyik mengemas barang untuk pulang ke Semenanjung, terjumpa buku sajak "In the Arms of The Beloved" karangan Jalaluddin Rumi. My first poetry book!! hehe..n also the last one kot :p Adeh, idea mengarang poems dah karat :(

Life is the journey

Allah is the destination

i'd tormented those speedbumps

and look ahead of times

life indeed is no bed of roses

those magical powers within my grasp

held close to my heart

laying still

and valiantly wish to escape

i let them out.........

the magical melody of my heart..

(2/7/06, 8:30pm, KL Sentral)

Sajak Jalaluddin Rumi memang indah, menggambarkan kebesaran Allah dan kecintaannya yang mendalam kepada Allah SWT.
Salah satu bait sajaknya:-

O are the graceful,

You are the highest love,

You are the giver of life,

what misery and hardhips come,

to those who turn away from You....

Remember what I said,

I said: Don't leave me, for I am your friend,

in the mirage of this world

i am the fountain of life

even if you leave in anger

and stay away for a thousand years

you will return to me

for i am your goal!

Moga Allah berikanku kekuatan dan ilham mengarang lagi...amin :)

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